Girls Soccer practice will be from 3:00-5:00 on Wednesday, October 18.
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Our Cross Country team will compete today at Bangor Christian. Girls run first at 4:00. Good Luck, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
CDS Girls Soccer hosts Orono today at 3:30 for their playoff game. Let's cheer on our girls as they work their way toward the championship game! Let's Go, Lady Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Weather Watch: Our Boys Soccer team has a play-in game this afternoon CDS home vs Glenburn at 3:30. We are keeping an eye on the weather and field conditions and will make a decision by 1:00pm. Please be sure to dress for the weather so you can cheer the boys on into the tournament!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
The halls of CDS are filled with pumpkin characters from some of our favorite books. Mrs Mower asked students to transform a pumpkin into their favorite book character. Students used their prior knowledge about the Zones of Regulation to answer some questions about their character. If you didn't already pass it in, there is still time. Great job, everyone!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Soccer Tournament Update: Boys Team will play Monday, October 16 - CDS Home vs Glenburn at 3:30. Girls Team will play Tuesday, October 17 - CDS Home vs Orono at 3:30. The results of those games determine what's next in our schedule. Keep checking coach communication and the school website, calendar, and facebook page for more information.
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Come join us tonight for our "Under the Lights" games vs Dedham, sponsored by the ORC! Boys play first at 6:30 pm, followed by the girls. Each game will begin with 8th grade recognition. Bundle up, visit our famous Snack Shack for dinner or a treat, and help us cheer on our teams! Let's Go, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
From the Center Drive PTG - Come join us for a spooky good time!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Please consider attending this benefit dinner to support an Orrington family.
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Soccer tonight is away - CDS @ Caravel, girls play first at 3:30. This is a rescheduled game from two prior dates. Let's finish our regular season strong, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Mrs. Mower would like to remind all K-4 students that their pumpkin character project is due on Friday, October 13th. Don't forget to do the questions along with the pumpkin character. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Mower at
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Cross Country is at Glenburn tonight, 991 Hudson Road. Boys run first at 4:00. Good Luck, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Soccer tonight is at home! Bangor Christian @ CDS, girls play first at 3:30. Come on out and cheer on our teams! Don't forget to visit our famous Snack Shack to support ORC while you are here! Go Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
AOS #47 The Airline, Dedham and Orrington School Departments. Good Afternoon, this message is being sent as a test of AOS #47's notification system.
7 months ago, Judy Marvin
Merchandise from the CDS Fall Store is in! Items will be distributed on Tuesday. Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Our Soccer week ends with a trip to Bucksport today. CDS @ Bucksport, boys play first at 3:30. You've got this, Eagles! *Directions to the field have changed from previous years! Bucksport field is at 100 Miles Lane, behind the Middle School. You will pass other fields on the way to the school...keep going to the field behind the school.
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Our away soccer games continue at Milford tonight. CDS @ Milford, girls play first at 3:30. Keep up the good work, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Thanks to a collaborative effort, we are proud to present our newly expanded outdoor basketball court, funded by the ORC, the town, and our school. Benny Veenhof, Michelle Roberts and the Orrington Recreation department, along with Chris Backman, Drew Gladu, Ben Walton and many others all worked together to expand the court and install new hoops. Plans are in place to add another layer of tar, and line the court for basketball and pickleball next year. Thank you to all who took part in this effort!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
A day late, but no less appreciative. Thank you, to our school custodians, for all that you do to keep our school shining bright!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey
Our Cross Country meet is at Bucksport tonight. Girls run first at 4:00. Let's Go, Eagles!
7 months ago, Sharon Pelkey